Featured – Code Amber http://codeamber.org Thu, 26 May 2016 10:06:17 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.5.2 HOW SAFE, IS ALONE? http://codeamber.org/featured/how-safe-is-alone/ Thu, 04 Jun 2015 14:07:52 +0000 http://codeamber.org/featured/how-safe-is-alone/

Before I start with this one, I’d like to apologize for my tardiness. The last few months have been incredibly busy- examinations, mastering the game of table tennis, training my hyperactive dog- made it impossible for me to sit down and think.

The idea for this article in fact, came to me while I was in the process of doing, not thinking. After two months of sleeping under tomes of legal knowledge, research and  Statutory Acts, I decided to celebrate the end of the semester by watching Avengers : Age of Ultron. Scheduling conflicts made it hard for me to go with any of my friends and at 22 going on 23, I refused to take my parents for a superhero flick.

This left me in a bit of a dilemma. Miss the movie or risk going alone? Logically, I’m sure even your brain considered the question, Why don’t you go alone? Which is exactly what my brain volunteered.

The irony is that, the simplest answer, is also the hardest. You see, in a country like India, the idea that a woman can go out alone for leisure, is quite abhorrent. A girl does not simply decide to go visit some famous monument alone. A girl does not go out to dinner, alone. And in a country where rape, street harassment and gender-related violence are common, a girl does not go out for a movie, to sit in a dimly lit movie theater, without a familiar person on either side of her, alone.

If you live in a country where the rate of violence against women is high, then I’m sure my words will resonate with you. One of my guy friends said to me the other day, somewhat defensively, that not all men are rapists. But whether a stranger is a rapist or not, is not what rules our behavior. It is the fear, that a stranger might be a rapist, that rules.

Fear is probably what caused my parents to issue a firm negative when I suggested that I might go alone. It is quite possible that they have spent far more time than I have watching the news about brutal rape cases, incidents of abuse, molestation and public assaults on young women (like the girl who was stripped and groped in public by 30 men, or the teenager who was molested in a bus in front of all the passengers and then thrown off) which has played a huge role in my parents’ mental conditioning. With an only girl child, I can understand that safety would probably be rated #1 on their priority list with fun standing at #10. I wasn’t too sure myself, having been a victim of street harassment and sundry other cases which have made me anxious, unsure and under-confident about being out and alone.


To counter the opposition, I put forward the following arguments to my parents.

a) It was going to be a daytime movie. b) I was a safe driver c) It was pretty close to home. When that didn’t wash, I made the following promises : a) I’d send an “I’m OK” text every few hours. b) I wouldn’t drive through back alleys or dingy places on the way c) I’d stay alert the whole time.

After what felt like a million years, my parents agreed. It had a lot to do with my age, and the fact that my track record is pretty sober (when I say sober I mean I’m a non-drinking, non-smoking, non-sex, non-everything-fun, boring child who’s idea of going wild is usually a good book and some iced tea).

To sum up the evening, it was wild. Yeah, really. I drove by myself. I parked by myself. I got the tickets from the kiosk by myself. I didn’t trip on the escalator. I watched the movie with my purse firmly tucked under my chin, a pepper spray within reach under the zip, and my eyes scanning the hall every few moments (which is hard when you’ve got on 3D glasses). I even peed by myself and bought popcorn by myself. It’s funny how many of us have gotten used to a guy doing all that for us (not the peeing part obviously). It’s either the Dad or the Boyfriend or the Best friend who gallantly accompanies us and brings us snacks and makes us feel safe. It was incredibly liberating to do all of that on my own, and it got me thinking, how many independent women want to do all those things : go for a long run, shop, drive, go to clubs, meditate in parks, sit at conventions, sip a latte without stopping under street lamps when it gets dark, looking over their shoulders, gripping pocket knives, avoiding eye contact, or feeling those pangs of anxiety every time a stranger stares too long or makes a sudden move.



–Jane Austen

Thankfully, there are women who do it better than I. Many of my friends are single, working, independent women who have gotten by impressively well, all on their own. But how? How does one after having heard such frightful tales of harassment, after being cautioned and curbed for most of one’s life, suddenly become self-sufficient? I asked these women the same and we came up with some things you should can keep in mind :

#1 There is absolutely no way of overstating the importance of safety gadgets. A pepper spray, a taser-gun, a pocket knife. An Indian remedy is also chilly powder. Chose your weapon. Always carry one with you.

#2 You can carry your phone and charger with you. A dead phone is a dead ally in emergency situations.

#3 Avoiding eye-contact is crucial. Most women who go out believe that this can help in drawing less attention.

#4 Keep people at home informed about your movements. When traveling by taxi or rickshaw either call someone in front of the driver or pretend to.

#5 Although fear and anxiety are common, use the adrenalin to make yourself more observant and prepared.

#6 When traveling over long distances, knowing that you’re likely to be in isolated areas, wear less revealing outfits. (This might raise a few feminist eyebrows, but most women believe that provocative outfits make them more of a target. If you agree, you can wear clothes that are more on the comfortable side, allow free movement and are less on the stylish side.)

#7 Always note down the registration number of the mode of conveyance you take. Text it to your friends or family. Traveling by public modes of transportation is always preferable.

#8 If your area has the reputation for being unsafe, then prudence would demand that you always go out with someone rather than alone. This might rankle a bit, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

#9 Try and stick to groups of women or families when you’re out in public places. They’re usually loud, chatty and safe.

#10 The city you live in is paramount when it comes to making decisions about independence. Is it a city like Delhi? Where the crime rate is obscenely high? Or is it  a city like Pune? Where it’s mostly safe and the people are civil?

#11 Guts are essential. If you do find yourself in a situation where someone threatens your safety, be loud, belligerent and aggressive. Draw attention to the man. Make a scene. Offenders usually count on fear paralyzing you to the point of silencing you. Never forget to raise your voice.

#12 And finally always be alert. There are moments when you can get lost in what you’re doing, or be deep in thought, or be in a hurry. But these moments cannot happen while you are alone, unaccompanied and unsafe. By keeping your radar tuned to suspicious behavior you can save yourself a great deal of regret.

Perpetrators often point to things like women being alone or being dressed indecently as reasons why they should be raped, harassed or molested. The general idea, is that by having the audacity to assert our independence, we are asking for it.

We are asking for something.

It also starts with an R.

But it’s not RAPE.



Author: safetipin

Small rant. I work at http://codeamber.org/featured/small-rant-i-work-at/ Thu, 04 Jun 2015 14:07:28 +0000 http://codeamber.org/featured/small-rant-i-work-at/

Small rant.
I work at a grocery store. My supervisor, a middle age woman by the name May, often times leaves at midnight. Lately she’s had severe problems with a man waiting for her to leave, and on one night followed her home. I’ve gone as far as giving her one of my pocket knives just in case, despite the fact her son now picks her up every night she stays late.

Tonight, another cashier was staying late (past midnight). I don’t like this girl one bit. Upon getting my phone number, I would get invited to hang out with her multiple times a day and I eventually told her to go away basically. But tonight, I told her that I was leaving right at midnight and I would walk her to her car. She insisted she would be fine. I told her to be extremely careful and to not hesitate on getting a nightstock worker to escort her out if anything looks suspicious.
Then, furthermore. Upon walking out the front door, I stood for about five minutes just to make sure nobody was in the parking lot. Our supervisor came out to smoke a cigarette and I told him. “Make sure she gets to her car safe and she knows to say something if anything seems suspicious”

Honestly, what I’m getting at is.
I may not like someone. But no matter what, if I know there’s a potential danger, I’ll do everything I can to know they stay safe. I don’t want someone I know to end up missing or worse and be able to say “I could’ve prevented that”

This is how I learned to be badass http://codeamber.org/featured/this-is-how-i-learned-to-be-badass-2/ Thu, 04 Jun 2015 13:52:22 +0000 http://codeamber.org/featured/this-is-how-i-learned-to-be-badass-2/

From the time I was three until I was eight I lived in Elko, NV with my family. My dad was the psychologist in a sea of gold miners, the town didn’t have a WalMart and if you wanted culture that had nothing to do with cowboys, well you better keep on driving. Within that weird little town we carved a sweet niche of friendships and I discovered my love for martial arts. Devin at age 11. Super…

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Author: devinkatie

Women Who Fight http://codeamber.org/featured/women-who-fight/ Thu, 04 Jun 2015 13:51:53 +0000 http://codeamber.org/featured/women-who-fight/

Yesterday I posted a link to a story that was instantly picked up by several others, and it jumped off into the viralsphere. If you read the account by the woman, several key points stand out. 1. She wasn’t afraid to fight back. 2. She wasn’t scared of being punched. 3. She knew several jiu jitsu moves to subdue an attacker. I always tried to get my daughter interested in self-defense, and I…

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Author: jgiambrone

Much Better Self Defense Techniques For Women http://codeamber.org/featured/defense-techniques-women/ Tue, 03 Mar 2015 13:09:02 +0000 http://codeamber.org/?p=302

womens self defenseSelf Defense for Women

There are many things you can do in order to practice proper self defense and personal protection techniques. One of the ways you can learn practical self defense is to take a class. A self defense class will make you feel more powerful and you may learn things about yourself that you did not know before. Self defense and self protection are an important priority for women. When going through special self defense classes you will learn about how to fake being in panic but you need to stay strong at all times. Once you have some self defense techniques under your belt.

Self Defense Techniques for Women In Actual Street Or Combat Situations

Krav Maga self defense students learn effective Women Self Defense Moves and techniques used by grapplers in ground fighting against opponents of all sizes. You will learn how to defend yourself against single and multiple attackers, both armed and unarmed. Real fights almost always end up on the ground, where there is the ever-present danger of getting stomped, stabbed or worse. Krav Maga teaches how to fight in the street, where there are no rules. The techniques taught are easy to understand, and simple to execute with no bs in between. You certainly want to avoid being on the ground in a real street fight.

The Krav Maga Gun Disarming Move

Krav Maga is a real and practical approach to defending yourself. Krav Maga is excellent Self Defense for Women are fast, brutal and effective, exactly what you need in a bad situation. Krav Maga Academy will only teach you what has been tried, tested and proven to work in the real world. Videos are the best way if you want to learn how Krav Maga practical self defense Techniques can win a fight. Krav Maga Techniques are effective because you are trained like you are on the battle field or in an alley somewhere being threatened. You should seek out partners who could help you practice Krav Maga.

A Black Belt In Martial Arts

The hybrid arts method of self defense is using a combination of various martial arts methods to create something unique and new. Any practitioner of martial arts is referred to as a martial artist. The striking arts method is probably the oldest type of martial arts practiced. As one of the most famous martial artist in world, Bruce Lee is a living legend. The mixed martial arts or MMA are not much better than the traditional fighting arts when it comes to real world self defense for women. Despite both being martial arts, there is a striking contrast between Krav Maga vs Muay Thai.

Women’s Self Defense Issues http://codeamber.org/featured/womens-defense-issues/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:59:38 +0000 http://codeamber.org/?p=40

The Reality of Women’s Self Defense and Child Protection

When considering the increasing numbers of incidents of violence against women, it is obvious that women’s self-defense against men is becoming an increasingly important issue in today’s society. There are a variety of products and techniques designed for women’s self-defense against men, from mace guns to judo and assertiveness training. Unfortunately, these things are becoming increasingly necessary, and it is essential to stay informed of the most effective strategies for women’s self-defense against men and even other women.

Self Defense is a critical issue.

Since more and more women are working overtime and at late hours, extra attention should be given to women’s self-defense and personal safety. Dark parking lots are among the most dangerous places, and it is good idea to walk into a parking lot with a personal protection device, such as a small alarm, whistle or light, or where it is legal, a mace gun or stun gun. The mace or stun guns should not be shaped like actual guns, but should be disguised as cell phones, pens or key chains which can be carried by hand without attracting undue attention.

It is important to principle of women’s self defense against men always to look straight ahead and always to appear alert. Potential attackers are always on the lookout for women who seem unaware of their surroundings, so give an impression of confidence.

Before opening your car door, always inspect the inside to ensure that no one is there. A portable flashlight can be useful for this inspection. Make sure your car door is always locked, and, if you unlock your car door with a remote control, avoid locking and unlocking the door too far in advance of your entry. This will prevent someone from crawling into your car.

Women’s self-defense against men is not always focused on strangers, but, more often than not, an attacker is someone the woman knows. Before attacking, the attacker usually stalks the woman to learn her habits and where she is the most vulnerable.

It is therefore a good idea to change your route frequently if you jog or walk for exercise. Be on the lookout for people who are watching your activities and make sure that you are aware of potential dangers. Like fire drills, women’s self-defense calls for identifying potential danger spots, so, as you go through your day, look for those places where a person can easily intrude.

Many strategies for women’s self-defense against men include some kind of martial arts training. Although many critics complain that techniques learned in classes can not be adapted well to the street, martial arts give women strength and confidence to be able to ward off an attacker.

There are many varieties of martial arts to choose from, and it is a good idea to experiment with several classes before narrowing down your choice. Popular martial arts courses for women’s self-defense against men include:

  • We Recommend: Krav Maga
  • Tae Kwan Do
  • Kenpo
  • Judo
  • Hapkido
  • Kung Fu
  • Karate

How Effective is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is recognized as the world’s best self-defense method – developed by the Israeli army and successfully implemented by special army forces, police units and secret service forces for face-to-face combat.

Tae Kwan Do is also a good choice for women’s self-defense against men. It emphasizes punches and kicks that can repel attacks. Akido emphasizes throws and joint locks, which are more aggressive techniques to deal with attackers. Kenpo and Karate were developed through principles of aesthetics and spirituality, as well as a mean s of self-defense. Kung Fu focuses on the movements of five animals: the dragon, tiger, snake leopard and crane. Martial arts give the added benefit of physical fitness and self-confidence to women’s self-defense against men.

How Good is Krav Maga?

The most important principle to remember for effective women’s self-defense against men is confidence. If a woman looks and seems aware and confident, a potential attacker is less likely to approach her, because he knows he will be unlikely to succeed. In addition, if she feels competent, she is far more likely to defend herself well and to prevent an attack.

Krav Maga Training Videos

Click Here for an on-line Krav Maga Basics course any woman can make use of to prepare to defend herself in any situation. Self defense classes, or training, can easily be accomplished in the home with this resource. Get started today.

Isometric Exercises For Mixed-Martial Arts Training http://codeamber.org/featured/isometric-exercises-mixedmartial-arts-training/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:44:36 +0000 http://codeamber.org/?p=35

Isometrics are seldom made use of in training for Martial Arts Styles. Particularly for strength and conditioning in MMA training. Due to the fact that a lot of sports are vibrant in nature, isometrics aren’t apparent to they eye and therefore aren’t trained.

In MMA, isometrics can include another aspect to your video game that can assist you send your challenger, get away a submission, or accomplish a dominant position whether standing or on the ground.

If you get captured in an armbar and your challenger does not right away lock you in, you’ve got some time to get away. How long you have depends upon your capability to keep your arm bent utilizing your arms while attempting to move your body around so that your arm is in a safe position.

MMA Training ManualGet MMA Training Here

Another example of Mixed Martial Arts Techniques is when you’ve got a triangle secured. Sending a challenger with a triangle is no simple job, so you have actually got to have the capability to keep your knees pressed snugly together for a prolonged duration to tire your challenger out to make him tap.

A last example is in the clinch. When you’re pounding backward and forward with a challenger or you have a single-leg, you have actually got to hold your arms in a specific position versus his bodyweight – this is isometrics in action.

How to do isometrics in mixed-martial arts training in the fitness center:

My preferred method, as part of my Mixed Martial Arts Workouts, is to toss isometrics into the middle of a set. That would imply if you’re doing 12 reps of a workout, after rep 6, you do an isometric hold at the middle of the variety of movement, then complete the set.

Or, you can break it up into thirds, so you can do an isometric hold of 5 seconds after the 4th representative, 8th representative, and at the end of the set.

Let me alert you – this technique is hard and burns, making it a terrific approach for training mental strength at the exact same time as practicing your Mixed Martial Arts Moves.

Right here are 3 of my preferred isometrics workouts with:

1) Inverted Row

Hang under a barbell with your feet on a swiss sphere so your body is parallel with the floor. Hold when your elbows are at 90 degrees

2) Push-up

Do your basic push-up, or put your feet on a round for an included difficulty

Hold at 90 degrees of elbow flexing

3) Leg curl on Swiss round with knee squeeze

For this one, you require a squishy youngster’s round

Put it in between your knees and for the whole set of leg curls, press the sphere together as difficult as you can

Now you have 3 workouts and a brand-new approach for establishing your MMA strength and conditioning. Put these into your exercise regular and you’ll be tapping individuals out when you would’ve quit in the past, and you’ll take your MMA Training video game to the next level.

Isometrics belong of a great strength and conditioning program. There are a couple of things that lots of Mixed-Martial Arts competitors do incorrect in their MMA exercises. Do not make the very same errors, look into the Top 5 MMA Workout Mistakes.

Krav Maga Training Course http://codeamber.org/featured/krav-maga-training/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:50:44 +0000 http://codeamber.org/?p=31

Krav Maga Training Course Online


What is Krav Maga Training

Krav Maga is a self defense methodology and techniques that were developed by the Israeli military. It teaches you specific moves and techniques to overcome an attacker and reduce the effects of physical violence immediately. It isn’t really a standard martial art due to the fact that its sole function is self-defense, not the practice of fighting.

This Krav Maga Training Course includes everything you need to become proficient in Krav Maga: videos, mp3 files and an extensive e-book.

Click Here to Get your Krav Maga Training Online Training Course

Each video starts with a slide explaining the steps you will learn in the video. Each video comes both in normal speed and slow motion, with narration in the background that direct you in exactly what you need to do– making it very simple to learn.

The extensive e-book provides detailed descriptions, accompanied by photos, that magnificently catch and show each and every step. The e-book, and its images, are a detailed overview of the specific steps that appear in the videos. Mp3 files provide the narrative for each. You can pay attention to the them while reading the ebook or while driving in your vehicle.

Together, these 3 media types cover a variety of of self-learning strategies that make it simple to learn and visualize each of the self defense moves.

The Interactive Krav Maga Training course is divided into 6 stages

In phasKrav Maga Traininges one and two you will learn Krav Maga Basics including special techniques to strike with your hands and deliver kicks – foundational skills for effective self defense.

In phase three you will learn how to defend against hand strikes.

In phase four you will learn how to defend against releases.

In phase five you will learn how to defend against a stick.

In phase six you will learn how to defend against a knife.

In phase seven you will learn how to defend against kicks.

All the Krav Maga Training Techniques you will learn include counter-attacks

This online course is reasonably low-cost, much more so when you consider the value you will certainly realize.

This is a very extreme course that will certainly give you confidence anywhere. Have a look at our recommended Krav Maga Training course right here. You will not be disappointed.

